Ceylon Cinamon
Ceylon cinnamon is a spice made from the inner bark of Cinnamomum trees. There are two varieties of cinnamon: Ceylon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum (CZ)) and Cassia (Cinnamon cassia (CC), also known as Chinese cinnamon). Ceylon cinnamon is considered a more delicate and complex in flavour spice.
An important difference between Ceylon cinnamon and Cassia cinnamon is their coumarin content. Ceylon cinnamon is very small compared to Cassia, so it can not pose a health risk, Cassia seems to have a much higher level of coumarin, which can pose a health risk if consumed in large quantities on a regular basis. [5].
In addition to its gastronomic uses, in Ayurvedic medicine, cinnamon is used for respiratory, digestive, and various gynecological diseases. Cinnamon Ceylon is a well-known spice in cooking, with antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-diabetic properties [4]. Cinnamon contains a variety of vitamins such as vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, and ascorbic acid (6). Cinnamon is a member of the Lauraceae family, which has been widely used as a spice for thousands of years to improve the taste of foods and drinks (7).
Consumption of Ceylon Cinnamon benefits blood glucose regulation
Cinnamon has been shown to benefit llong-termblood glucose regulation; therefore, improving glycaemic control and reducing the risk of complications associated with diabetes mellitus. Oral administration of cinnamon (1 gram per day) has been demonstrated to induce significant reductions in fasting glucose and insulin resistance parameters (8).
A study by Akilen et al (2010) demonstrated a significant reduction in glycated HbA1c, diastolic and systolic blood pressure after participants were supplemented with 2g of cinnamon for twelve weeks alongside their type 2 diabetes medication.[1] Similarly, daily consumption of three grams of cinnamon demonstrated an improvement in insulin, blood pressure, antioxidants status, and lean body mass in Asian Indians in north India.
The use of cinnamon for dysmenorrhea
As Cinnamon has an anti-inflammatory activity, it has been used in medicine as a treatment for dysmenorrhea and to stop bleeding (7). The main component of the essential oil of cinnamon bar is cinnamaldehyde (55 - 57%) and eugenol (5 - 18%). Cinnamaldehyde has been reported to have an antispasmodic effect, while eugenol can prevent the biosynthesis of prostaglandins and reduce inflammation (6).
The first clinical trial on the effects of cinnamon on menstrual bleeding and systemic symptoms including nausea and vomiting due to primary dysmenorrhea in female participants, demonstrated that a total dose of 2.52 g daily (in three divided doses) was effective on primary dysmenorrhea. Primary dysmenorrhea is caused by an increase in the synthesis and release of prostaglandins from the uterine endometrium during the menstrual period. Uterine smooth muscle contractions cause colicky pains, spasmodic and labour-like pains in the lower abdomen and cause lower back pain. No side effects were found with this dose (7). Researchers concluded that cinnamon is regarded as a safe and effective treatment for primary dysmenorrhea (7).
On another study, researchers administered female participants with mild to moderate menstrual pain 1,000mg of Ceylon Cinnamon three times daily for the first three days of menstruation for two cycles. Participants experienced less pain than those who did not.
Ceylon Cinnamon has been found to benefit women with PCOS
Women with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) were supplemented with 1.5 g of cinnamon and showed improvement in their menstrual cyclicity, likely reducing fast glucose and insulin-resistant parameters [8]