Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus Terrestris, is known exotic plant, which has been used in traditional, ancient medicine in Greece, China, and India (Ayuverdic Medicine), for infertility, impotence, erectile dysfunction, and low libido.
It belongs to the family of Zygophyllaceae, with twenty species worldwide. It has seeds with three spines and yellow flowers and grows up to a meter high.
Tribulus may enhance libido in men as a testosterone booster
Since the 1980s, Tribulus is a known enhancer for vitality and for libido as a testosterone booster for active men. It has also been proposed in cases of kidney stones, high cholesterol, hypertension, and as a diuretic (1).
Tribulus contains many chemical compounds, such as steroidal glycosides (saponins) and alkaloids (2). Anabolic properties are attributed to this plant as it elevated blood testosterone levels and stimulates skeletal muscles hypertrophy.
Research on Tribulus Terrestris is focused mainly on healthy athletes and physically active adults, with mixed results on blood testosterone, androstenedione, and/or luteinizing hormone after about four weeks of supplementation (3). However, a study by Milasius et al (2009), showcased that after twenty days of supplementing with a dietary supplement named Tribulus, anaerobic and lactic muscular power and blood testosterone were significantly increased among young male participants (4).